The Fall of Immortal 30!
The Fall of Immortal 30!
Power Corrupts People
Immortal 30 was once a brotherhood created by TrueDeMoN100 Killculture, & Franklinia. Immortal 30's goal was to originally recruit and train 27 members on how to play the video game Warframe, build weapons, farm resources, and obtain everything in the game. When it came to making decisions for the clan we would vote on every decision made as a tri-vote so no decision could ever end in a stalemate. Immortal 30 was founded in 2014 and throughout time we had built the clan from the ground up I and Franklinia would collect resources and Killculture would decorate the dojo.
After a year Killculture quit playing Warframe and resigned his leadership. I and Franklinia kept the clan going and we continued onward throughout that period of time we gathered new members who had came and went. We also obtained valuable people who believed in the motto of brotherhood and stayed in the clan throughout the years. In 2017 I had quit Warframe myself as the game was in a bad state of play with constant nerfs to everything and buffs to enemies month after month I witness my weapons I spent time into building get nerfed and my builds were no longer effective.
To build a weapon in Warframe you must make a Forma in your foundry which takes 24 hours in real time to create; essentially to build a weapon the way you want it would take you 8 days in total to maximize one weapons damage potential. In one update the weapon would be weakened severely or made suicidal that you would either have to spend another 8 days rebuilding the weapon to the changes that were made or find another weapon to use because your current weapon would be nerfed to the ground where it would no longer be effective against any type of enemy at mid-end game levels. DE (Digital Extreme) would also do this to Warframes which are characters you can unlock and play as month after month a character would get nerfed to a point where it was no longer usable then rebuffed the next month and again nerfed the month after. Balance in Warframe was chaotic which was why I decided to leave the game.
I was gone for a year and in 2018 I returned to Warframe throughout that time I was gone they applied an update that transferred foundership of a clan to the oldest member within the clan. DE made this change because many clans their founder had quit and left the clan and certain changes could not be made to the clan without foundership and the person who originally made the clan kept the founder status until DE released this update. Foundership of Immortal 30 was transferred to Franklinia because I and Killculture were removed from the clan and Franklinia was the oldest member remaining.
Upon my return I was welcomed back to Immortal 30 & Killculture had returned 2 weeks later after 3½ years. We were given back our leadership and we continued business striving for Immortal 30. I had brought in new members and submitted our clan to a Dojo Remaster contest that DE had held. I created a showcase video for Immortal 30 & redone the lighting in the dojo along with adding new decorations that were added. Franklinia had redecorated a room to look like a forest from a fantasy land.
We did not win the contest but we kept going forward and I had brought in new members to the clan. Upon our return Franklinia had made extra members leaders of the clan Lefty_803, Crispynippil, Stolen_Sun, & Aceoblivion. After 2 months had gone by some of the new members questioned and brought to my attention that I, Franklinia, & Stolen_Sun were the only leaders who spoke and took the time to explain how the game works to all the members and wondered why Aceoblivion, Crispynippil, & Lefty_803 would not communicate or play with any clan members. Killculture had also taken note of this and spoke to me privately about a suggestion to change all the rank names and to ask Crispy, Ace, & Lefty if they wanted to uphold the obligation of being a leader to the clan.
Our leadership rank was called "Proprietor" and to obtain this rank meant you are a leader in the clan and as a leader our obligation was to check on clan members, find out if they needed help with nodes, explain to our members what they did not understand whether it pertained to modding a weapon, obtaining a Warfame, which build to go for on a specific weapon, How to beat the mechanics of each boss & anything else related to Warframe. After we would do this then we would go about our business as usual playing with personal friends, farming for specifics & whatnot.
Franklinia had made these members "Proprietors" without explaining to them what it meant to be in this rank so they were unaware of the expectations they were suppose to uphold. Killculture's suggestion was the seed of corruption planted through inception originally I did not think this was a good idea but Killculture talked me into believing this was a good idea which it sounded that way. The next day I approached Franklinia and relayed Killculture's plan to change the rank names.
How we voted on these decisions if not all 3 of us were online proceeded as such. The two of us that are online would talk about a change and if we both agreed upon it that was our cast of vote at that moment of discussion. When the offline person would come online we would relay what we discussed and explain what we voted on then that person after hearing what we would discuss would have to vote at that moment. Franklinia spoke about how he thought it was a bad idea and proclaimed it was drama because everything was fine before until we showed up but because we spoke about it a day before he was outvoted 2-1 so we were going to proceed with that idea once we came up with all the new rank names.
After that discussion Franklinia asked me if I wanted to be "Founding Warlord" this rank is the founder status of the clan. He made this offer to me because I quote "I am tired of hearing things going on and don't want to be bothered all I want to do is log on do the sorties and log off!" The 3 of us had been gaming together for many years before we began to play Warframe so we all knew each other on a personal level and I thought we were close friends after gaming for almost 8 years. Franklinia had made his offer conditional that if I were to accept if he thought I was acting crazy he would have to leave the clan.
Because Franklinia made this conditional I said no the offer and asked him why he had to make it conditional and create an ultimatum? Franklinia had given me input about how I type to people and made a false accusation that people in the clan had problems with me. "I was gone for about a year how could anyone have a problem with me?" I asked Franklinia he could not provide me a straight answer and said "At one point in time in the past everyone had me muted." I asked who had me muted he said Lefty_803, & Cripsynippil, & Aceoblivion.
I never once had a problem with Lefty_803, I even spoke with him and he confirmed to me he had no problem with me or anyone in the clan. Crispynippil had assumed I demoted him because one time in the past while I was gone someone demoted him from Proprietor and he thought it was me. Aceoblivion I never had any problems with he's a good guy who pulled his weight when it came to helping the clan.
I asked Franklinia the way I conduct clan business is there anything wrong with it? Franklinia said "No your a smart guy, you made the clan emblem, you created the showcase video, you explain the game well to new players, you get new clan members in the most out of everyone, & you go out of your way to help people!" I replied so you have no valid reason as to why I shouldn't be Founding Warlord. I also claimed how Franklinia was mixing his personal feelings about me into the way we run the clan and that should not be because we all do a great job at running this clan but your personal feelings of me are effecting your decisions.
The next day we had another conversation about Founding Warlord and Franklinia asked me again if I wanted it this time I said yes because I no longer cared about him making it conditional if he wanted to abandon the brotherhood I tried to establish that was his choice. After saying yes I said lets do it then right now Franklinia had said we should hear what Killculture thinks. I said alright but no matter what he thinks our discussion is our vote cast you made the offer and I accepted thats 2-1 if Killculture says no to the idea.
The next day after Franklinia and I had spoken again and I confirmed with him the offer was still on the table and that he was okay with giving me founding warlord Franklinia said yes and also remind me of his condition to the offer. I said fine and then 60 seconds later Killculture enters the party. We discussed the rank name changes again and Franklinia stated he wasn't for it but we outvoted him 2-1 so it had to be accepted. Then we moved on to the discussion of Founding Warlord and Killculture stated he thought it was a bad idea because he thinks I am immature. I asked Killculture "How am I immature? When have I ever screwed someone over in the clan, given them false information, scammed someone in our clan out of platinum, or even put someone in a mission to abandon them intentionally?" Killculture said "Never your a smart guy, you help a lot of people, you explain the game well but you have a tendency to go off the rails when it just us in the party."
I explained that's because we have been gaming together the 3 of us for almost 8 years by now you should have seen every emotion we as human beings have by now just like I have seen you do the same but you don't hear me saying these are reasons why you shouldn't be Founding Warlord of the clan. Franklinia made the offer to me not you and I think your jealous of that if this were vice versa and he made the offer to you I would say no only because as long as you have been in the clan you only decorated the dojo played briefly then quit the game. You really don't know the builds for weapons, characters, arch-wings and if you were to explain this to someone brand new how do you think you would do?
When Franklinia said how he felt which was "It seems there's always a problem, we always have to make changes, everything seems to be bothersome, and now you both want people demoted and you guys have only been back a month." I interjected Franklinia we had a conversation yesterday and the day prior about how there is no plan to demote anyone and the idea of changing the rank names and asking those in question if they want to fulfill the leadership position's obligation. Franklinia lied and said we never spoke or had any conversation prior to this party discussion.
Killculture then continued to discuss the rank name change again and Franklinia agreed on it and said thanks for being the voice of reason well TrueDeMoN100 you lost 2-1. I said what do you mean I lost you made the offer I accepted he said no its 2-1 Killcultures been outvoted. Franklinia ignored me then asked if their was anything else because he had to get off and go to class then he left.
I explained to Killculture how he lied and broke the way of how we have voted on decisions since 2014! Killculture said it's between me and him then but he believed Franklinia. Franklinia before this discussion was always a modest person but power corrupts people he didn't want to be bothered by clan members with anything and he did not want to step down from founding warlord. He only got the position from the update because it was him who kicked me and Killculture out of the clan years ago when we had quit.
A few days later I confronted Franklinia and told him what we did was unfair and broke the way of how we voted on things since 2014 I said "if you really don't want to be bothered by anyone and just do the sorties then log off fine there's nothing wrong with that but why should you sit on founding warlord then?" He claimed how he contributed the most to the clan and I did nothing refusing to acknowledge how I put resources into the clan rooms & research when it was just the 3 of us before we invited any members to Immortal 30. He claimed I never did anything I just made the logo and the showcase video. He claimed I hated our alliance and had problems with people in the alliance and he had screenshots as proof. I told him first off the alliance is with french people they don't even speak english how can I have a problem with people when I don't even understand their language and you have screenshots show me them let me see because I don't believe you. Franklinia never sent me screenshots ignored what I said and continued on to say I don't like their emblem. So what I don't like their emblem thats my personal opinion on the artwork of the logo I'm entitled to that and that has nothing to do with the alliance members performance.
We don't do clan rails which is where clans fight each other over control of solar rails in space when the feature was available we never tried to take over a rail and for 3 years we have been in armistice so we can't even use the alliance for anything. Because of this the only purpose of a alliance is to chat with other clan's members and send them resources if they asked.
Once again Franklinia ignored my response and attempted to convince me to leave the clan. Franklinia said "It seems you have a problem with a lot of things so why don't you make your own clan I will give you platinum, riven mods you can sell for 3000 platinum or more, I will even invite your clan to the alliance just to send you resources to help you get started I want to buyout your contract." I told Franklinia there is no reason for me to leave when it is you who does not care about the clan, you who does not want to be bothered with the problems, you who just wants to do the sorties and log off, and you who is always the first to call clan business drama because you don't want to hear it. You should leave the clan then and if you don't want to step down from leadership and nobody will ever bother you again for anything. Franklinia refused to give up Founding Warlord and I called him a dictator and a tyrant then he left the party saying he had to go.
Three days later Franklinia invited me to a party just him and I then said We should get every proprietor to vote on you be founding warlord lets see what everyone thinks. I said no because since 2014 no matter who else has been proprietor we have always voted on our decisions based off the 3 of us now you want to change the rules because it's about you and founding warlord of the clan that is not happening. I also stated how I spoke to Lefty_803 and he confirmed he has no problems with me or anyone in the clan. Franklinia said him and Killculture spoke and we decided to kick you out of the clan you have been a bad brother and it was either we kick you and block you or you leave and we block you. I told him you betray what this clan stands for and your a tyrant who won't give up the seat of power you should leave. Franklinia said since you think I'm a dictator watch this and demoted Lefty_803 & me out of Proprietor rank then asked me if I had any last words to say. I told him this will only cause more problems and you will regret this he responded what problems will this cause I replied wait and see.
Franklinia left the party then kicked me out of the clan. Since then they have been twisting the story to members who remained within Immortal 30 about what really happened and those who were truly my friends left Immortal 30. 8 Years of friendship means nothing to Killculture & Franklinia all they cared about was who is in control of Immortal 30 and together they will dictate or Killculture will dictate and Franklinia will sit back and enforce whatever Killculture says.
They betrayed the meaning of the clan our brotherhood I tried to create. To them the clan is just a video game to me it was more it was a symbol of our unification in achieving, the time spent researching, collecting resources, money spent for platinum, the participation of events for the clan exclusives. Immortal 30 was a symbol of what we accomplished together. To all be taken from me in one fell swoop when I created the emblem, showcase video, recruited the most members, and spent the most time training them all I cannot let this go unknown.
There is nothing I can do about the circumstance and it is unfortunate DE never made a function to impeach the Founding Warlord out of their rank. Killculture and Franklinia will take credit for my work that I put into the clan which is why I am making this post so all who read know the truth. I gave Franklinia the chance to do the right thing and asked him to uphold our tradition of voting.
If you are new or clanless in Warframe and see any recruit message DO NOT JOIN Immortal 30 they will only want your resources to decorate the dojo how they please and will kick you out of the clan regardless of your contribution of resources or personal decorations you spent platinum on just to donate it to the dojo. They have no loyalty or interest in the people they invite to the clan as long as I have known them they simply wish to do as they please and not be bothered by anyone. They are the first to cry out this is drama when things are not because they aren't capable of being mature adults to handle situations that occur when it comes to business of the clan.
Now that the truth is written please share this article to your Warframe friends so all may see the truth. Power corrupts people a friend once told me no matter how long you game with someone or know them in real life when a position of power is available there is no loyalty, there is no friendship, there is no value there is only who is in control. I live by a modest creed something rarely seen and considered an oddity there are very few like me throughout this world. What we live in today is corruption and betrayal this does not only pertain to Warframe but life itself like many have said "keep your friends close and your enemies closer" the truest words to live by and as much as you think your modest and upright remember just because you are does not mean everyone else is even if you believe it should be. Do not give another person the thought they are on the same page as you because 99.9% of the time they are not and if someone truly is on the same page as you well then that is rare something only few people see in a lifetime.