Revolt 2023: New Review!

Hello everyone it's 2023 & we are writing a new review on Revolt the chat app. As you may have read our previous reviews this is the third segment to let you know whats happening. Recap Last time we discussed how the client was getting a complete rework & voice chat coming. Well since then everything is still being developed & nothing has changed since. We are still awaiting to see an update with something new. Good, Bad, & Ugly The Good While Revolt is being developed the team has also focused on other projects on the side which may be the reason we haven't seen an update. Gifbox is one of the side projects which is a replicated clone of Imgur . I imagine they did this to not rely on Imgur as a third party source for dropping gifs in chat like you can on Discord. They spend time generating images & memes to flood gifbox to make it appear to have a heavy userbase already when there's been no advertisements or spread of word about it you proba...